Azure Functions Azure Functions reCAPTCHA Integration This post will draft a bare-bones example on how to integrate your Azure Functions with Google's reCAPTCHA service. Anti-spam measures were briefly mentioned in an earlier post in this series on extending the
Azure Functions Azure Functions Input Validation with FluentValidation In a previous post, I illustrate how one might develop a very simple contact form endpoint using Azure Functions. Continuing from previous examples, this article is focused specifically on implementing a validation pattern
Azure Functions Azure Functions Contact Form HTTP Trigger In this article, I’m going to explain how to implement a custom contact form endpoint using Azure Functions with an HTTP trigger. If you’ve just landed here from Google, it’s
Azure Functions Azure Functions local.settings.json Secrets and Source Control Since you've landed on this article, you must have experienced some of the confusion tied to not committing the local.settings.json file to source control. It's not entirely obvious how developers are
Azure Functions Ghost Contact Form with Azure Functions The primary downfall of Ghost's laser focused simplicity is that users have to figure out how to fill the gap for any missing features they require. A common example, a feature that I